
Specific Section-wise Instructions for Preparation of Manuscripts

The following files must be prepared and sent to the journal as email attachments -

  1. Cover Letter and title page file (in Microsoft word format)(download from the Download section):
    Cover letter should include the title, details of corresponding author and request for consideration of publication
    The title page of should include the following -
    • Article type
    • The title of the paper
    • Medical speciality/superspeciality (paediatrics, orthopaedics pediatric surgery etc.)
    • Surnames (family names),initials of each author, their degree qualification and institute of affiliation.
    • Name of the institution(s) at which the research was conducted
    • Name, address, telephone number and email address of corresponding author
    • Manuscript word count (excluding abstract and references), table and figure count
    • A running head not exceeding 50 characters
    • 3-5 key words
    • Any conflict of interest disclosures
    • Whether the study was approved by the institutional ethics committee.
    • Sources of support if any
    • Acknowledgements if any
  2. Blinded manuscript file (in Microsoft word format):
    This file must include the following.
    • A) Title of the article
    • B) Abstract (where ever required)
      The abstract must present a comprehensive summary of the study. It must be prepared as per guidelines mentioned in the section ‘Types of articles’. Structured abstracts must contain the following headings: background, aims and objectives, materials and methods, results and conclusion. Abstracts should not contain citations.
    • C) Main body of the manuscript
      This should be prepared as per guidelines mentioned in types of articles. When structured it should be divided into sections with the headings [IMRAD Format]:-
      • Introduction:
        This should briefly summarize current knowledge in the field, lacunae therein and aims and objectives of the study.
      • Materials and Methods:
        Here, a detailed account of the study design, sampling methods, inclusion and exclusion criteria, statistical tests applied etc should be provided. Sufficiently detailed information should be provided so that the study can be replicated by other researchers.
      • Results:
        Observations or results of the study should be included in this section. Tables, charts and images should be used to present the results. However the tables charts or images should not be inserted here but only reference to these should be made. Duplication of data presented in tables charts and figures should be avoided in the text. Conclusions drawn from the results should not be included in this section.
      • Discussion:
        Conclusions drawn from the study, its comparison with available literature and limitations of the study if any must be presented in this section. A clear message of how the study is helpful in advancing our current knowledge in this area and what further studies could be undertaken should be provided here.
    • D) References -
      References should be in Vancouver format and appear as consecutive, unbracketed superscript numbers in the text, e.g. 'in our previous reports1, 2 and those of Smith et al.3-5' and should be listed numerically in the reference list at the end of the article. Format references as below, using standard (Medline) abbreviations for journal titles. When there are more than four authors, include the first three authors followed by et al.
      1. de Berker DAR, Baran R, Dawber RPR. The Nail in Dermatological Diseases. In: Baran and Dawber's Diseases of the Nails and their Management (Baran R, Dawber RPR, de Berker DAR, Haneke E, Tosti, A, eds), 3rd edn. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd., 2001: 172-92.
      2. Murray ML, Cohen JB. Mycophenolate mofetil therapy for moderate to severe atopic dermatitis. Clin Exp Dermatol 2007; 32: 23-7.
      3. Graham-Brown R, Burns T. Lecture Notes: Dermatology. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2006.
      4. 4. Smith A. (1999) Select committee report into social care in the community [WWW document]. URL http://www.dhss.gov.uk/reports/report015285.html [accessed on 7 November 2003].
    • E) Tables :–
      Each table must be numbered serially as table 1, table 2 etc in the order in which it is first referred to in the text.. Each table must have a legend that explains its purpose without reference to the text. Tables should not be inserted in the appropriate place in the text but should be included at the end of the manuscript (after the references), each on a separate page. Tables should be self-explanatory and should not duplicate the text. Place explanatory matter in footnotes, not in the heading. Explain in footnotes all non-standard abbreviations. Obtain permission for all fully borrowed, adapted, and modified tables and provide a credit line in the footnote. For footnotes use the following symbols, in this sequence: *, †, ‡, §, ||, **, ††, ‡‡
    • F) Figure legends:-
      Each figure must be numbered serially as figure1, figure 2 etc. in the order in which it is first referred to in the text. Each figure must have a legend that explains its purpose without reference to the text. . Only the figure number and the corresponding legend should be typed here. Figures (illustrations, diagrams, photographs) should be supplied in jpeg format and submitted as separate electronic files. Where a figure has more than one panel, each panel should be labeled in the top left-hand corner using lower case letters in parentheses i.e. '(a)', '(b)' etc., and a brief description of each panel given in the figure legend. While using histology figures, the stain type and magnification level must be included in the legend. Only figures of excellent quality will be considered for publication. The Journal will publish color photographs free of charge subject to editorial approval. When an individual is identifiable in a photograph written permission must be obtained.
  3. Figure or Image files:
    Each figure/image should be submitted as a separate jpeg file with the file name corresponding to the figure number.
  4. Copyright transfer form:
    This should be downloaded from the link given below, signed by all authors and scanned as pdf or jpeg file.